Our Little Tip for Keeping our Energy and Motivation Up: Crystals




Happy New Year Ms Fits!  We wanted to share our unique tip to help keep you motivated toward reaching your New Year goals….Crystals. Crystals have been used throughout history for their healing and energy capabilities and were considered sacred in many ancient civilizations. It would take the span of many books to cover crystals, the hundreds of different types, and their many uses, roles in traditions and rituals, place in healing and meditations, history, and the many different beliefs that surround their “powers,” so for simplicity I am just going to share a few of my favorites types (specifically the ones that just may help support new goals for 2016).  Wearing or carrying crystals is a very simple tool for adding a little positive boost to your energy and motivation!
I have had quite a few impactful experiences with crystals and now they are always around me. In the years since incorporating them into my life, I seem to continually meet many new “crystal people” and healers, and it is so fascinating what I have learned from them, specifically how differently people’s reactions can be to different stones. For example, some people will feel a heat, others will feel a coolness, vibrations, exaggerated heaviness, etc.. I even met a woman from New Zealand whose crystals shattered after they were done “doing their job” of removing negative energies. Many healers claim the crystals choose you, not the other way around. There is even a crystal for increasing fertility, like the chrysanthemum crystal (I have given this one to so many of my friends trying to get pregnant. Warning: So far, all have had babies).  I have also heard this many times, crystals seem to have a way of disappearing or moving on to other people that need them.


Crysanthemum Cyrstal

Crysanthemum Cyrstal

I know this might sound a little odd or new age to some, but crystals are simply known to have higher vibrations that work to boost energy, heal, increase spiritual connectedness, and help release negativity. My house is covered in them, I wear them a lot, I always seem to have a few on me.  I also have a crystal essence that was made for me by a dear friend that I spray everywhere. I use them in hopes to surround my family with positivity and create a space in my home with a healing “pure” energy. You can easily create this by placing quartz crystals in the four farthest points in your home (creating a energy parameter).

There are hundreds of crystals, but here are just a few for healing, to boost energy, motivation, and help release negative energy:

Carnelian Stone

Carnelian Stone

Carnelian Stone –  This is a power and motivation stone. Increase physical energy, ambition, and drive.  Said to bring a surge of life force and boost creative energies.  Supports courage, strength, vitality, increases enthusiasm. Helps to awaken one’s talents and aids in moving forward on a new path. The carnelian stone is considered a career stone and great to carry on you during interviews. Also protects against negative energies.


Golden Apatite

Golden Apatite

Golden Apatite – Increases motivation and builds up energy reserves. The yellow Apatite crystal is used for mental clarity, improved will power. Also said to increase creativity, confidence, aids in manifestation of one’s dreams, and even used to stimulate the metabolism for weight loss.



Red Jasper – Increase physical energy, vibrancy, and vitality. Said to enhance strength and energy and useful in generating muscle tissue, can enhance the effects of exercise. Overtime, Red Jasper can increase the amount of Chi, or energy force, in one’s energetic field.


Sun Stone

Sun Stone

Sun Stone – This is another energizing stone, stimulating leadership and will. It carries the light and happy energy of the Sun. Physically said to increase metabolism, digestions, and vitality. Sun stone can kindle the fire of leadership within those who carry or wear it. It is also a very healing stone of personal power, strength, and to bring in blessings.


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

Quartz (clear) – Amplification of one’s intentions, used for healing, cleansing, clearing of negative energies. Can assist in any type of healing, and generating prosperity. Also used to amplify the energies of other stones.


New Ms Fit Feature: Molly Powers

Molly Powers, Reiki Instructor, Medium, Yoga Instructor

Molly Powers, owner of Powers of Healing, Reiki Healer, Medium, Yoga Instructor

 When Alisa and I talked about what feature we wanted to do before the New Year we both decided on doing this special one on Molly Powers. Molly is a healer and has helped Alisa and I both in different ways in the past few years. The timing of this feature is not only perfect because we’re approaching resolution time, the time we tend to look for new things and ways to make our new year healthier and happier, ( Molly is definitely one to add to your list) and also perfect, because my son turned five a few days ago and it was because I was pregnant with him that I started seeing Molly. I am beyond grateful to her for her healing over the past six years. When I started seeing her, I never imagined that I would post about such a personal experience, but I know, and hope, it will help others looking for  ways to find healing and balance in their lives.
The first time I saw Molly, I was about 7 weeks pregnant with my son, and suffering from serious anxiety. An anxiety so bad, I couldn’t sleep, and all I could do was worry about whether I was going to have another miscarriage. I think I was to the point of feeling like my worry and stress were going to be harmful to the baby. A few months before getting pregnant with my son, I had a miscarriage in my second trimester. I was devastated and shocked. Shocked not only because I already had a healthy two year old, and it never occurred to me that I could have a miscarriage, and certainly not that far long in my pregnancy, but also because up until that point, my thoughts on miscarriage were that “oh, it’s common, happens to everyone, just a part of life.” When it happened to me I was beyond shocked at how hard it was to accept, I was heartbroken, mad, and blamed myself for causing it somehow.  I knew I had to deal with my current anxiety in my new pregnancy and didn’t want to take medications while I was pregnant, so I went to see Molly.
From the first moment I met her I felt a senses of healing and calmness. I saw her every week during my first trimester and she helped me so much with all of my feelings of worry, and helped me sleep again. In the past six years she has been such a big part of my being able to heal in a lot a ways (ways I didn’t even know I needed) and has helped me deal with some of the most challenging times I have yet experienced in life. Thank you so much Molly and your beautiful gift of healing!
Running my business, Powers of Healing, is more than a full time job.  I’m a medium and Reiki master and also do all the scheduling, bookkeeping, and follow up.  I’m a one-woman company – phew!
I’ve been a yoga teacher for 14 years and still love to teach.  Currently, it’s only 3 or 4 classes a week.  Please come find me at Lexington Power Yoga. And starting in January, I will be teaching at Barre and Soul Yoga and Barre Studio in Harvard Square Mondays at 4:00pm.
Outside of work, my husband and I spend a lot of time in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, hiking, biking, and generally enjoying the outdoors.  When we are home in Cambridge, we like to go for runs and also climb the stairs at the Harvard Stadium, which is a great workout. Except for yoga or barre, I always choose to exercise outdoors.
I teach a powerful vinyasa flow at Lexington Power Yoga (www.lexingtonpoweryoga.com).  I teach Mondays at 6 AM and Wednesdays at 6AM and noon.  I would love to see you in class but be forewarned; I have a reputation for being tough (but loving).
I also will be teaching at Barre and Soul yoga and barre studio in Harvard  Square Mondays at 4p starting in January 2016.
These days, I’m wearing LuluLemon, Glide, Splits59, and Athleta and I’m always on the new lookout for clothes that perform well and are, well, cute.
In regular fashion, I’ll confess that I’m a denim addict and I love a new pair of jeans!  My new favorite jeans are a pair of skinny jeans by Mother.  I also love the new faux fur vests – a great way to dress up jeans or yoga pants.  And you can never go wrong with a cute pair of short boots.  I love a little heel and I also love Frye boots.  Another fashion addiction.
Reiki is energy healing through the hands. Reiki is administered by “laying on hands,” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.  This type of hands-on healing assists in bringing the mind and body back into balance and can assist in relieving stress, anxiety, and pain.  I know it may sound like mumbo-jumbo, but it really works!
A Reiki session lasts 50 minutes and the client lies back (fully clothed) on a comfortable table.
I also work as medium, I channel the spirits of loved ones who have died and deliver messages to clients. Sometimes the information comes through as detailed facts, sometimes as images. This information I receive allows me to verify the identity of the person who has passed away. These direct connections are a step in the direction toward comfort, healing, and even joy.
This practice is a form of holistic spiritual healing.
  1. Please feel free to contact me with any questions –
  2. email – molly@powersofhealing.com
  3. website – http://www.powersofhealing.com
  4. FB – https://www.facebook.com/powersofhealing/
  5. Twitter – https://twitter.com/powersofhealing
  6. Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mpowers40/